Compass Creek Designs was founded by Lisa Breitenfeldt and J.D. Parkman in 2017. It is a natural offshoot of their work together at Cache Advance for coin, pin and medallion production. 

Compass Creek Designs is dedicated to serving your coin production needs. 

To learn more about geocaching and Cache Advance, click here.


At Compass Creek we work with select designers and mints to take your concept from inspiration to coin in hand.


Team Members

In 2014 Lisa and J.D. took on two new big endeavors at the same time: getting married and launching what has become Compass Creek Designs.

They are very active in the Spokane, WA geocaching community and brought together teams of volunteers to plan, set up, launch, and maintain three GeoTours. Being outdoors, traveling, and geocaching are Lisa and J.D.'s favorite things to do. 



J.D. Parkman
Project Manager &
VP in Charge of Heavy Lifting

J.D. is a project manager making your vision something you can actually hold. 

J.D. has over 20 years experience in the field of manufacturing, from working on the line to setting up and maintaining the systems and programs of the Quality Management System.

J.D. says: "Thank you for taking the time to read about us. We look forward to hearing from you." 


Lisa Breitenfeldt
Project Manager, Visionary & President in Charge of Most Things 

Lisa is a project manager, among other duties. She will be your main contact for invoicing, shipping and marketing.

Lisa is also CEO of Cache Advance, a geocaching product company she founded in 2005. Designing and minting coins and medallions was a natural addition to Cache Advance's offerings in 2014. Compass Creek Designs is now the home for all of our coin projects.

Lisa says: "Thanks for stopping by; let us serve you to bring your project to life!"